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Friendship Across Borders e.V. is a non-profit, independent Assozation. We do not belong to any governmental, social, religious, cultural or educational organization. Culturally, we cross borders, and we look at every religion - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism - as equal.
We need your support! Become a member of Friendship Across Borders e.V. As a member you support our peace work with a monthly fee of € 10.-.
Please contact Avner Dinur This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Gerburg Rohde-Dahl rohdedahl(at)posteo.de
Supporting specific programs or groups.
Supporting the stay of our students and teachers in guesthouses.
Supporting our program for documentation and evaluation,
As honorary member you help us with your social reputation. Drawing on your network of professional and business contacts, you support our vision and our activities by bringing them to the attention of a wider public.
As we pursue educational purposes, including the support of students, and promote tolerance and international understanding, we have been granted tax-exemption by the decision of local fiscal authorities in Würzburg, Germany, and have been recognized as a non-profit organization in accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, no. 9 of the German Communal Tax Law (KStG).
We welcome any donation!
Bank Account
by PayPal